We had a full house in Naturalis and at the livestream, interaction with museum visitors, we got to see old friends again and made new ones. We had an astronaut and a myconaut tell us about their jobs - they are closer connected than you might think. We nearly broke our backs carrying that huge stuffed mammoth around, but other than that, we'd say that the very first ARISE Day was a great success!
You can watch (almost) all of it back here:
By the way, this is a great time to point out that you can subscribe to our YouTube channel.
Because Naturalis is a museum, we took pains to make parts of the Arise Day open to the general public. Team Sampling had a friendly takeover of the LiveScience exhibit, and we opened a special -one day only - wildlife monitoring market in another hall.
A big thanks to all the speakers, panel members, museum support staff, and of course to all of you for joining either in person or online.